
Anchovy Pasta with UmamiPapi

Anchovy Pasta with UmamiPapi
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75-125g linguine
1-4 anchovy fillets
1 zest of lemon
1 bunch parsley
1 clove garlic
4 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp tomato paste
1 tsp UmamiPapi Chilli Oil
1 tbsp toasted breadcrumbs


  1. Prepare a pot of boiling water for the pasta. Add pasta once boiling.
  2. Dice anchovy fillets and garlic.
  3. Chop parsley.
  4. Add olive oil to a pan and turn on medium heat.
  5. Add the anchovies and garlic. Cook and stir until the aromas start to become fragrant.
  6. Add UmamiPapi Chilli Oil and mix.
  7. Add lemon zest.
  8. Add chopped parsley.
  9. Mix ingredients together in the pan and add the pasta to the pan when al dente.
  10. Coat the pasta with all the ingredients in the pan and add splashes of pasta water so that the starch can help with the coating.
  11. Serve on a plate and add toasted breadcrumbs.
  12. Add a final drizzle of just the oil from UmamiPapi Papi Oil.
  13. Enjoy!